Business English in the context of of techincal issues. Is it better to design a website and an on-line shop with all the necessary intergrations by yourself or is it better to outsource IT services?
the article is under constructin
A few useful phrasal verbs for discussion
take off – odnieść nagły sukces
work out – udać się, wypalić
sort (things) out – uporządkować (rzeczy, pomysły, itp
think (things) over
look into
break into
carry out
break down
take (control) over
start over – zaczynać na nowo
go through something – przejść przez coś, przetrwać
Other words and expressions
reliable hosting company
to purchase a domain
clear cache
get stuck
break down
the confidential information has leaked
confidentiality clause
fix errors – naprawić błędy
change the settings
take pictures
make changes
succeed in doing something
privacy policy – polityka prywatności
rules and regulations – regulamin
the cons outweigh the pros – przeważają argumenty przeciw
weigh up pros and cons – rozważyć plusy i minusy
The pros of creating the webiste by yourself:
If we are successful, we can create a website that lives up to our expectations /Yes, for some of us, it will take much more time, but it is possible/
If the website we have created is functional, we can tailor it to our needs, make changes, etc. at any time
Once the basic website, blog and our on-line shop are created, we can pay for extra help {extra IT services} when we need it and learn new things related to IT much faster at the same time
We gain new skills that are valuable on the job marekt. On top of that, once we know how to deal with CPanel, etc, it will be much asier to deal with things like cyber security, artificial intelligence in the future
If something goes wrong, we can start over and create a new website from the scratch much faster than the first one.
The cons
less time for serving our future, potential clients
necessity to reserve much time to learn everything from the scratch
money to invest in different kind of courses to learn new skills
We do need to accept that not all will go smoothly
It is cruial to take into consideration the fact that the first 2 websites we have created can be far from perfect and that maybe the third one will work out
The pros of delegating this service to other company
We can focus on our core business and create better products as well as services for our clients
much more time to work with our customers
If we hire a good and professional company, our website will bring lots of new clients
We will have more time to concentrate on SEO and the creation of valuable articles for our blog if we want to
The cons connected with delegating the creation of your own website to other company
There is much higher risk regarding the leak of information /confidentiality/
If we look for cheap service, it might occur that the qulaity might be low /not always but very often/
The cost of fixing errors might be high once we realize that the person responsible the for creation of our website was not professional
If there is breakdown in the economy and high inflation at the same time, the cost of hiring an IT Specialist will be much higher
Are there any other solutions when it comes to the creation of your own website and an on-line shop?
Is there anything in between? What do you think?
Other questions for discussion
Describe a problem you encountered when you were creating your own website. How did you manage to solve the problem?
What platforms do you know when it comes to on-line shops? {The context: a business person does not have much time but wants to start selling his/her own products. Which platform would you recommend so that this person can start selling his/her own products withing 2-3 weeks?} Give name of the company and say something about the pros and cons regarding the cooperation with this firm.
Your experience with Fakturownia.
The case study of WordPress + WooCommerce + WP Desk, Przelewy24 and Fakturownia altogether. /altogether – razem, w sumie/
Which hosting company woud you recommend and why?
What can we learn from the case study of OVH?
This material has been prepared and written by Magdalena, a Trainer of Practical Business English