Kilkanaście ważnych phrasal verbs dla poziomu C1 część 1

Phrasal verbs nie są tak łatwe do ogarnięcia jak nam się wydaje. Aby je zapamiętać, utrwalić na długo w naszej pamięci trzeba poświęcić im trochę czasu. Zacznijmy zatem od mniejszych porcji materiału, by się nie zniechęcić do nauki.

W związku z tym, poniżej przygotowałam dla Was 18 phrasal verbs z poziomu C1. Przyjrzyjcie się im uważnie, by sprawdzić czy są wsród nich takie, których jeszcze nie znacie. 

Part 1

carry off – complete successfully despite a problem

”It was really tough for her 2 months ago, but she carried it off very well.”

break off – stop talking

”He broke off in the middle of a sentence”

get on – make progress

Fortunately, he got on with his work last week.

bear out – confirm the truth, support the truth of something

‘If you tell them what has really  happened recently, I will bear you out on it.”

Part 2

get round to – find time to do 

”They are very busy. I am not sure they will get round to the next project.”

bring up – mention

”There are a few issues I would like to bring up during the next meeting.”

crop up – happen or appear unexpectedly

”It does not matter if you work at an international corporation or you run your own company. New problems and challenges crop up almost every single day.” 

draw up – prepare or organize something in writing (especially a document)

”The business partners have agreed to draw up a formal agreement”

come about – happen

”They were late again, but I do not know how it came about this time.”

Part 3

get across – be understood

”She tried to get her point across, but they wouldn’t listen”

get by on – to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as money /in Polish language: radzić sobie finansowo, dawać sobie radę

”How can they get by on so little money?”

add up – make sense

”I had problems to comprehend this 2 months ago, but is all seems to add up now.”

fall out with – quarrel with

”They terminated the contract after falling out with each other.”

bring off – succeed in doing something

”It was really tough 2 years ago, but we brought it off. We finished our next project 4 months ago. What a relief!”

Part 4

break in – train somebody to do a new job or an animal to behave in an obedient way

”They will need to break in new kitchen staff”

get down to – begin to seriously deal with

”I really need to get down to designing this webiste as time flies.”

come in for – receive criticizm

”The manager has come in for a lot of criticizm lately. He has just failed to get the most important project on time.”

get off – avoid punishment, injury or harm

”He was charged with cyber crime, but his lawyer managed to get him off.”

Ok, ale w takim razie co można zrobić, aby zapmiętać te phrasal verbs na dłużej i tym samym użyć je później także w praktyce?

Przyjrzyjcie się tym phrasal verbs uważnie. Zachęcam do tego, by przenieść je na własnoręcznie zrobione fiszki w formie elektronicznej i/lub papierowej. Dzięki temu zapamiętacie te phrasal verbs na dłużej i w efekcie zaczniecie używać je w praktyce. Więcej informacji na temat tego, w jaki sposób ogarnać samemu fiszki znajdziecie tutaj:

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Posted on: 14 września, 2024, by :