LOT/Enter company. Case study. Tourism industry. Introduction to speaking. Business English. Exams, B2 level
Under construction/Work in progress
How did it all start?
The main challenges of Enter
I. before going public – frhgithink tkypjokpok8
II. after going public – j lrgjthyjpukpokpo
Enter going public. Why did this company decide to take this step?
SWOT Analysis
Pestle Analysis
Who has written this article?
Magdalena /Mags/ – a Trainer of Business English language. Mags is a practicioner. She has worked in many different companies and industries. Having gained experience she is a trainer today. Students, employees of smaller and bigger companies as well as workers of corporations benefit from her work a lot as she helps them to break their speaking English barriers so that they can perfom better at their work.
Mags is also a graduate of Clark University (Communication in Business) and of Academy of Management (International Economic Relations)
Contact info:
tel: 504 940 807
tel: 0048 504 940 807
e-mail: blueproject.mags@wp.pl
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