Limiting beliefs. Przekonania. Ale o co chodzi? I dlaczego są one takie ważne w kontekście nauki języka angielskiego?

Business English. angielski biznesowy business conversations mags

Porównywanie ludzkiego mózgu to komputera nie jest zbyt trafne. /Nie jestem zwolennikiem tego podejścia/ Jednkaże niektórzy trenerzy rozwoju osobistego czy też trenerzy języków obcych wykorzytują to porównanie, aby pokazać swoim studentom, że to czy nauczymy się danego języka  zależy w dużej mierze od naszego podejścia i właśnie od przekonań jakie mamy.

Czy praca z przekonaniami jest łatwa? Zależy. Wszytko zależy od danej osoby, ale z reguły jeżeli chodzi o zmianę przekonań na tzw. bardziej wspierające to z reguły trwa to trochę czasu. U osób bardziej podatnych na zmianę będą to 3 tygodnie, u innych 3 miesiące, u jeszcze innych rok.

Dla osób, któe nigdy się tym tematem nie interesowały przesyłam parę przydatnych informacji:

  1. ogólną definicję
  2. wyjaśnienie w formie porównania przekonań  do ustawień w komputerze
  3. tabelkę, w której pokazuję jak można podejść do tematu zmiany przekonań na bardziej wspierające
  4. nagrałam dla Was także film o tej tematyce. Jeśli macie chwilę czasu, zapraszam do obejrzenia (link jest na końcu artykułu)

Trzymajcie się mocno. Pozdrawiam Was serdecznie.

Limiting beliefs – przekonania, które nas ograniczają i nie pozwalają osiągnąć celów

Limiting beliefs can be compared to a program with a lot of different errors, bugs, failures, etc.

One limiting belief is like one error, one big problem to be solved.

Is there any solution? Yes, there is a solution. We need to change our approach to the problem (in IT we would say that we should upload a new program; that we should change the settings)

upload – wgrać (np. pliki na server)

approach – podejście




(approach – podejście)

Are you ready to immerse?

Are you committed?

1. Comparing with other people

My friends from secondary school and from my studies speak perfect English. They work at international corporations and have good managerial posts.

If somoene is better than I am, it means I have the opportunity to take example from this person and follow him/her to achieve more in my life, for example when it comes to learning English

2. People laugh at me when I speak English with a strange accent.

laugh at – śmiać się z, wyśmiać

put someone down, put down someone – wyśmiać, wyszydzić

laugh to scorn – wyśmiać, wyszydzić

scorn – pogardzić, wyszydzić /też: pogarda, lekceważenie

A contractor and/or my colleague has criticized me that I have a strange accent. As a result, I feel terrible now.

A teacher has criticized me that I have a terrible accent when other students were listening and observing the whole situation.

I am aware I am not a native speaker. I realize that I speak standard international English.

For the last 10 or 15 years I have had English teachers with British, American or Irish accent. That is why my accent is different.

Besides, I have worked abroad in many different countries. It has had great influence on my English.

Moreover, I have had contact with American, British, Italian and Spanish employees/contractors at my work for a few years. As a result, my English is a mix of different accents.

My accent is different. It means that I am unique.

*** Could you speak slower?

*** Could you speak standard international English?

*** If you spoke Polish the way I speak English ….

3. I have failed the tests.

I have failed the exams

I have studied hard but I have tanked my exams.

tank – czołg, basen, zbiornik

tank – zawalić np. egzamin; ale też: zasuwać (iść szybko np. do pracy, by się nie spóźnić)

make a hash of sth – zawalić, spartaczyć (hash – kratka, hasztag #)

go down the plughole – pójść na marne, zawalić, ponieść kompeltną porażkę

plughole (BR) = drain (AM) – otwór odpływowy np. w zlewie

Thanks to the results of the tests I know which areas I should work on

I know I need to give myslef more time to find the right trainer who will guide me to change the situation for better

4. I am too old

You have believed the stereotypes which have been repeated by the society for decades

Opportunity to make the effort to look around and observe people who are around 87 like Clint Eastwood and have very active life (actor, film director)

Opportunity to read books, watch films, listen to podcasts about people who are successul and work at athe age of 70, 80 …. 90.

5. Example:

a) the song of Fort Minor, ”Remeber the name”

b) Tony Robbins

(a psychologist with more than 25 years of experience. He has worked with Aerosmith, Usher, Pitbull, with the NBA’s world campion Golden State Warriors, with many business leaders, etc.

a) One day somone has said:

” … some people say this kind of music is only for ….????? people from some specific social groups”

*** (self-discipline, motivation – if someone looks for motivation in songs, motivational speeches, etc. the colour of the skin or the social class you belong to does not really matter. All you need is your decision that you want to change yourself for better.; your decision + your action)

b) sometimes some people read a lot of websites which criticize psyhologists and their job, for example

*** At the same time it is often said that people who criticize others (not in a constructive way) are often very lazy; too lazy to start working with thier own limiting beliefs; too lazy to stop complaining and take responsibility for their own life

I make the effort to look for different books, e-books, songs where I can find motivation to change my life for better.

I want to change my life for better. I make the decision to work with a personal trainer/coach/psychologist, etc. to change my life for better

I am aware of the fact that if I want to go to the next level, I have to work hard. I know I need to exercise, exercise, exercise because parctice makes perfect.

I know I sometimes need to push myself to make this change. (Motivation is only for a few seconds. You can achieve your golas thanks to self-discipline)

I know I need to persist through failure and crap.

7. I do not have time

I have problem with time management skills. I want to do too many things at the same time.

I think I will manage eveything.

It* is one of my 3 priorities during the day

it – for example, English language

Tutaj znajdziecie link do mojego nagrania video na ten temat:

Magdalena /Mags/ – a Trainer of Business English language. Mags is a practicioner. She has worked in many different companies and industries. Having gained experience she is a trainer today. Students, employees of smaller and bigger companies as well as workers of corporations benefit from her work a lot as she helps them to break their speaking English barriers so that they can perfom better at their work.

Mags is also a graduate of Clark University (Communication in Business) and of Academy of Management (International Economic Relations)

Contact info: 

tel: 504 940 807

tel: 0048 504 940 807


Who has written this article?

Magdalena /Mags/ – a Trainer of Business English language. Mags is a practicioner. She has worked in many different companies and industries. Having gained experience she is a trainer today. Students, employees of smaller and bigger companies as well as workers of corporations benefit from her work a lot as she helps them to break their speaking English barriers so that they can perfom better at their work.

Mags is also a graduate of Clark University (Communication in Business) and of Academy of Management (International Economic Relations)

Contact info: 

tel: 504 940 807

tel: 0048 504 940 807


Business English. angielski biznesowy business conversations mags